Work continues on with some big projects and countless small details, each with an accompanying set of decisions. For example: replacing the three windshield wipers motors and blades, two deck storage boxes, and a cracked exhaust grill, all seemingly routine items, involved more than a few minutes of measuring, print catalog and online research, remeasuring, pondering multiple choices and price points, and considerable discussion. Each decision meant progress, though the progress wasn't immediately visible.
Progress isn't always what it seems. Some things have to appear worse before they get better, at least visually. Painting prep is one of those things. Large areas of the shiny, dark blue paint on the hull were sanded down to a dull, lighter blue. The surface was ground, poked, filled, sanded and I don't know what else, but it definitely isn't pretty. Not yet.
Progress is easy to spot on the finished flooring. Sanding and refinishing made the existing pilothouse floor look as good as new. Multiple finish coats will keep it looking good for years to come. We are pleased with the new teak and holly flooring in both heads (bathrooms), and certainly won't miss the tired old linoleum that used to cover those surfaces.