Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Ell Cove

At 0600 we viewed the world in varying shades of gray: pale gray, dark gray, steel gray, blue gray, even the snowfields on Baranof Island looked an icy white blue/gray. Fog and low clouds will do that, absorbing or obscuring color, draping a gauzy gray fabric over the landscape. That changed when we entered Ell Cove, the clouds moved on and sunshine changed the palette.

Ell Cove is a snug little anchorage, barely big enough for a handful of boats, a space where you cannot see or feel the choppy water of Chatham Strait outside. The sun's warmth brought out the scent of the surrounding evergreen forest, a smell reminiscent of camping in the mountains instead of anchoring in saltwater.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, now I am envious. Ell Cove is gorgeous! We anchored in there for a few hours last year. Are you able to get an internet connection there? If so I'd love to hear a brief description of how. One of my greatest frustrations was not being able to send out photos on a regular basis while actually on the trip.

    Enjoy the grays, blues, and sunshine!



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